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Business Management

Founding a real estate company in Switzerland: Requirements and opportunities

With its stable economy and high quality of life, Switzerland offers an attractive market for real estate companies and presents numerous opportunities, but also requires extensive preparation and knowledge of the real estate industry. In this article, we take a look at the necessary requirements for founding a company, the most suitable forms of business and the future and challenges of the Swiss real estate market.

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Setting up a recruitment agency in Switzerland: Requirements and costs

More than 6,000 companies in Switzerland are active in the private employment agency and staff leasing sector. Setting up a recruitment agency requires proper preparation and planning, as the profession is regulated by the authorities. You need the appropriate professional qualifications and must comply with the requirements of the employment offices and SECO. In the following article, we explain the specific requirements for setting up a recruitment agency in Switzerland, the registration obligations and the costs you will incur.

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Founding a FinTech company in Switzerland

Switzerland is known for its stable economy, strong banking system and innovative strength, particularly in the technology sector. This combination makes the country an ideal location for FinTech companies. FinTech stands for financial technology and describes companies that use modern technologies to offer innovative financial services. Due to special regulations in Switzerland, there are a number of aspects to consider when founding a FinTech company. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the regulations and costs. You will also find out how many FinTech companies there are in Switzerland.

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Setting up an IT company in Switzerland: A comprehensive guide

According to Statista, there were more than 21,500 companies in the IT sector in Switzerland in 2021 - and the trend is rising. Switzerland is also known for its excellent educational and research institutions, particularly in the fields of technology and natural sciences. Switzerland can also boast some well-known IT companies, such as GetYourGuide, BeeKeeper and Scandit. But what makes this small but economically strong country so particularly attractive for entrepreneurs from the technology sector? In our article, you can find out why Switzerland is the ideal location for your IT company and what you should bear in mind when setting up a company in order to get off to a successful start.

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Employment Contracts: A Guide for Swiss Employers

Employment contracts are fundamental for defining the employer-employee relationship in Switzerland. They outline the terms and conditions of employment for both parties, clarifying roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This guide will explore the various types of employment contracts available in Switzerland, their key elements, and the distinctions between employment and work contracts. Common questions on employment contracts are also dealt with, providing valuable insights for Swiss employers to navigate this essential aspect of their business.

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Overview of the shareholders agreement – A guide for founders of stock corporations in Switzerland

The shareholders' agreement is an essential contract for the founding shareholders of a public limited company in Switzerland. It governs their rights, duties and responsibilities and provides a framework that goes beyond the limited mandatory provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations. This agreement is particularly valuable for small public limited companies where personal relationships between shareholders play an important role. By clearly defining expectations and procedures, a shareholders' agreement helps to avoid disputes and ensure alignment with the company's goals and vision. This article provides the key to understanding the components and implications of a shareholders' agreement, which are critical to effective governance and long-term synergies between shareholders.

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Understanding Annual Financial Statements

Financial statements provide a snapshot of a company's financial position and performance over a specific period. They are crucial for making informed decisions, attracting investors, securing loans, and ensuring compliance. In this article, we explore the three primary components of financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement, and the notes. We delve into the various elements of each and explain their significance for startups. Additionally, we discuss important considerations, including regulatory requirements, tips for preparing, managing, and utilizing financial statements, their practical applications, and common mistakes and misconceptions to avoid. Let’s dive in.

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Beyond Profit: The Essential Role of Liquidity Management in Business Success

It’s every startup’s worst nightmare: having a profitable business on paper while still struggling to find the cash to stay afloat. Effective liquidity management is crucial for the success and sustainability of any business. By carefully planning and monitoring cash flow, companies can ensure they have sufficient liquid assets to meet short-term obligations and strategically manage their financial needs. This article explores the importance of liquidity management and planning, outlines the difference between acute and ongoing liquidity management, and provides practical tips and guidelines for maintaining optimal liquidity to navigate financial challenges effectively.

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Tax Crash Course for Startups: Dates, Deadlines & Obligations

Getting to grips with the Swiss tax system can be a daunting task for newly established startups. With multiple layers of taxation at the federal, cantonal, and municipal levels, each with its own set of rules and regulations, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your tax obligations. This comprehensive all-in-one guide aims to equip you with the tools you need to manage your taxes with confidence, highlighting key dates, deadlines and obligations. Whether you’re running your startup as a sole proprietorship or distinct corporate entity, staying compliant and optimizing your tax strategy can significantly impact your financial health and pave the way to long-term success.

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The 13th monthly salary: interesting facts for employers

Employees take a whole range of factors into account when looking for a job: Travel time to work, the possibility of working from home, the scope of duties, the number of vacation days and, finally, the salary. Because if this is not right, employers will also find it difficult to convince with the other points. An optional salary component offered by many companies in Switzerland is the 13th monthly salary. It offers employees an additional incentive in their job and can be helpful for employers in attracting new employees. We therefore explain below: What rules and regulations must be observed? How is the 13th month's salary calculated and taxed? And who is entitled to it. You can find all the important information here.

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