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Business Management

Part-Time Self-Employment in Switzerland: The Essential Aspects

The idea of part-time self-employment has gained significant traction in recent years, especially in progressive countries like Switzerland where a flexible and dynamic workforce is valued, and workers are encouraged to explore their entrepreneurial passions. In this article, we delve into the fundamental aspects of part-time self-employment in Switzerland, exploring what it entails, who can become self-employed part-time, its advantages and disadvantages, important legal considerations, and common questions you might have about this interesting mode of work.

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Salary or Dividends for the Owner of a Company: How to Optimise Remuneration

The owner of a GmbH or AG is always faced with the important question of how best to optimise the income they receive from their company. The issue primarily comes down to deciding on the balance between salary and dividends. This is a pivotal decision with implications for personal income, social security, and tax efficiency. In this article, we explore the considerations and consequences involved in this choice, and what is practically permissible in the efforts to optimise taxes.

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Use of Profits by Legal Entities

The allocation and distribution of profit is a crucial aspect of any business operation. Companies need to balance various needs while fulfilling specific legal requirements. This article explores the intricacies of profit distribution in Switzerland for both the GmbH and AG entities. We discuss the different ways that profits can be used and what to consider when deciding which of these uses is optimal. We also outline the importance of creating a comprehensive profit distribution plan and how to practically go about allocating profit.

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ice cream

Liquidation: Dissolution of a Company in Switzerland

Switzerland offers a prosperous corporate landscape and is home to many thriving businesses; however, not all companies stand the test of time. If you find that your business is no longer working out, you may have to make the difficult decision to liquidate and dissolve it. In this article, we explore the liquidation process in Switzerland, including its possible reasons, effects, and the specific steps involved in liquidating different types of companies.

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microsoft dynamics 365 business central

Outsourcing Accounting with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Navigating the complex landscape of accounting software and solutions can be daunting for businesses. With countless options available, how do you find the right fit for your company? This is where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central comes in, a comprehensive ERP solution for simplifying your business operations. Yet, of equal importance is finding the right accounting provider familiar with this software. In this article, we explore these considerations and more, as well provide a breakdown of what Business Central is and how it can help streamline your business.

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African elephant (Loxodonta africana) balancing on a blue ball.

GmbH Share Capital Increase

A share capital increase is an effective way for a limited liability company (GmbH) to raise new capital and thereby improve its financial position and expand operations. However, before considering a capital increase, company owners need to seek expert guidance to help them understand the intricacies involved, the different practical aspects, and the effects it may have. In this article, we provide a comprehensive breakdown of what a share capital increase entails for limited liability companies in Switzerland.

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elephant carry

Share Capital Increase for Corporations

A share capital increase is one of the most effective ways for corporations to raise new capital and thereby improve their financial position and expand their operations. However, before considering a capital increase, corporations need to seek expert guidance to help them understand the intricacies involved, the different ways to approach it, and the effects it may have. In this article, we cover all this and more, providing you a comprehensive breakdown of what a share capital increase entails for corporations in Switzerland and how to best approach it.

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switzerland bus

Founding a Transport Company in Switzerland

Switzerland’s strategic position at the heart of Europe, along with its thriving economy and world-class infrastructure, presents a wealth of opportunities for entrepreneurs of all types. One of its most attractive sectors is transportation. In this article, we discuss why Switzerland is such an excellent location for founding a transport company and provide an in-depth exploration of the various important factors to consider when setting up a transport company yourself.

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What to Consider When Moving Your Company to Switzerland

There are many reasons why you may want to move your business to another country, and Switzerland has long been an attractive choice. Switzerland is an international financial hub known for its business-friendly environment, low taxes, and high quality of life, along with a host of other advantages for companies looking to relocate. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why you should consider relocating your company to Switzerland and discuss various factors to consider before making the move.

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Founding a Consulting Company in Switzerland

The consulting industry in Switzerland has experienced significant growth over the recent decade, driven by an increase in digitization and an influx of new startups in the country looking for consulting services. In this article, we explore the top reasons for establishing a consulting company in Switzerland today and discuss ten important factors to consider when getting started. We also reveal the various ways that Nexova AG can support your consulting company on the road to success.

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