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Tax and Legal

Employment Contracts: A Guide for Swiss Employers

Employment contracts are fundamental for defining the employer-employee relationship in Switzerland. They outline the terms and conditions of employment for both parties, clarifying roles, responsibilities, and expectations. This guide will explore the various types of employment contracts available in Switzerland, their key elements, and the distinctions between employment and work contracts. Common questions on employment contracts are also dealt with, providing valuable insights for Swiss employers to navigate this essential aspect of their business.

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Overview of the shareholders agreement – A guide for founders of stock corporations in Switzerland

The shareholders' agreement is an essential contract for the founding shareholders of a public limited company in Switzerland. It governs their rights, duties and responsibilities and provides a framework that goes beyond the limited mandatory provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations. This agreement is particularly valuable for small public limited companies where personal relationships between shareholders play an important role. By clearly defining expectations and procedures, a shareholders' agreement helps to avoid disputes and ensure alignment with the company's goals and vision. This article provides the key to understanding the components and implications of a shareholders' agreement, which are critical to effective governance and long-term synergies between shareholders.

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Tax Crash Course for Startups: Dates, Deadlines & Obligations

Getting to grips with the Swiss tax system can be a daunting task for newly established startups. With multiple layers of taxation at the federal, cantonal, and municipal levels, each with its own set of rules and regulations, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your tax obligations. This comprehensive all-in-one guide aims to equip you with the tools you need to manage your taxes with confidence, highlighting key dates, deadlines and obligations. Whether you’re running your startup as a sole proprietorship or distinct corporate entity, staying compliant and optimizing your tax strategy can significantly impact your financial health and pave the way to long-term success.

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ZAZ Account: What Companies Should Know

In the world of international trade and logistics, the ZAZ account (Centralized Customs Settlement Procedure) is an indispensable tool for companies that regularly import or export goods across the Swiss border. It offers an efficient way to centrally settle customs duties and other fees. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about the ZAZ account, from the basics to the benefits, and practical steps for opening such an account. Additionally, we will cover specific topics that will help you optimize the use of the ZAZ account and overcome common challenges.

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Tax Time: Do It Yourself or Hire an Expert?

Few people are excited by the prospect of the dreaded “tax season”. Filing taxes can be a complex and daunting task, especially for small businesses and freelancers navigating Swiss tax laws. While some may choose the do-it-yourself route to save costs, others might find hiring a tax advisor more beneficial for ensuring accuracy and optimizing tax liabilities. This article explores the pros and cons of both approaches, helping you decide whether to tackle tax returns on your own or seek professional assistance to save time and make the most of your financial situation.

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Overview of Acquisition Tax in Switzerland

The acquisition tax is an essential but often misunderstood element of the Swiss VAT system. It plays a significant role in international trade and services provided by foreign companies to businesses based in Switzerland. This article comprehensively explains the acquisition tax, its mechanism, legal framework, and provides practical examples for illustration.

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Trademark protection in Switzerland and abroad: protect your company name and trademark

In this blog, we explore the nature of intellectual property and its crucial role in the success of businesses. From patent protection to copyright and trademark law, we cover all aspects necessary to safeguard your creative achievements. Learn how trademarks protect start-ups from counterfeiting and how to effectively register and defend your intellectual property in Switzerland and beyond.

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What entrepreneurs need to know about withholding tax in Switzerland

If you run a company in Switzerland and employ foreign workers who are not tax residents of Switzerland (cross-border commuters) or who do not have a permanent residence permit (C permit), you need to understand how withholding tax works. This tax is deducted directly from income. Individuals who are living in Switzerland but do not have a permanent residence permit, as well as those who are not resident in Switzerland for tax purposes, are subject to withholding tax. Our blog post explains the finer points and details of withholding tax in Switzerland.

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Employee Gifts and Benefits in Kind: What to Consider from a Tax Perspective

The culture of showing appreciation towards employees through gifts and added benefits is on the rise in Switzerland. More companies are realizing the great potential of these practices in motivating their employees, enhancing satisfaction, and nurturing a positive work environment. However, if you are planning to gift your employees, you need to understand the income tax and VAT implications. In this article, we explore the topic of employee gifts and benefits in kind. We examine the differences between them, their advantages, and importantly, the various tax implications involved.

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New Stock Corporation Law: What are the Relevant Changes for SMEs?

The recently enacted stock corporation laws in Switzerland have brought about crucial changes to the existing regulations, some of which are especially relevant to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These reforms aim to enhance capital flexibility, strengthen shareholder rights, and modernize rules for shareholder meetings to align with the digital era. In this blog, we outline the most significant changes to the law, and explain what you need to know about updating your company’s statutes during this critical transition period.

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